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I have been an avid reader all my life; since I learnt to read, that is. I recognised the power of the written word and always longed for a literary career. However, I branched off into figures and practised as a chartered accountant and then a forensic accountant. This occupied me for a number of years until I had the strength to break away from my comfortable rut and explore the literary world. I completed a Master’s degree in Editing and Publishing through an Australian university and now I have a business doing just that – editing and publishing.

My experience as an accountant has given me the attention to detail required in editing, and an understanding of how to run a business. My years of reading have honed my language skills. My Master’s degree has taught me how to edit manuscripts, and what is required in publishing books.

I have published books on Amazon on behalf of some authors, and assisted other authors in approaching commercial publishers.

I am a member of PASA (Publishing Association of South Africa).